showCanvasBg = FALSE,
canvasbgColorFirst = "#5a5a5a",
canvasbgColorSecond = NULL,
canvasBgDepth = "0",
canvasbgAlpha = "100",
canvasBgRatioStart = "40",
canvasBgRatioEnd = "60",
canvasBgAngle = "0",
showCanvasBorder = FALSE,
canvasBorderColor = "#666666",
canvasBorderAlpha = "80",
canvasBorderThickness = "1",
showCanvasBase = FALSE,
canvasBaseDepth = "5",
canvasBaseColor = "#aaaaaa"
- fusionPlot
fusionPlot object got by
- showCanvasBg
Show the canvas background
- canvasbgColorFirst
Specify the hex code of the first canvas background color
- canvasbgColorSecond
Specify the hex code of the second canvas background color
- canvasBgDepth
Set the depth of the canvas background
- canvasbgAlpha
Set the transparency of the background color
- canvasBgRatioStart
Set the first value of the canvas background ratio (in percentage)
- canvasBgRatioEnd
Set the second value of the canvas background ratio (in percentage)
- canvasBgAngle
Specify canvas background angle (in degrees)
- showCanvasBorder
Show the canvas border
- canvasBorderColor
Set the border color
- canvasBorderAlpha
Set the transparency of the border
- canvasBorderThickness
Set the thickness of the border
- showCanvasBase
Show the canvas base
- canvasBaseDepth
Set the height of the canvas base
- canvasBaseColor
Specify the hex code of the base color
df <- data.frame(label = c("Venezuela", "Saudi", "Canada", "Russia"), value = c(290, 260, 180, 115))
df %>%
fusionPlot(x = "label", y = "value", type = "column2d") %>%
fusionCanvas(showCanvasBorder = TRUE, canvasBorderThickness = "4", canvasBorderAlpha = "80") %>%
fusionTheme(theme = "fusion")